Lisa Petsinis Coaching

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5 Unexpected Ways To Strengthen Relationships (When You Can’t Be There In Person)

Maintaining physical distancing during a pandemic can be hard on your relationships. Many people are missing the intimacy of face-to-face communication while they stay in their “bubble.”

Relationships need to be nurtured to stay strong. Oftentimes, that means investing time, effort and care.

While some regions are thinking about loosening restrictions, it’s likely that we need to continue to adapt how we interact with others in the longer term. Still, that doesn’t mean we have to stop being social or get bored or overwhelmed using the same methods (Zoom fatigue is a real thing).

So, how can you stay connected and even build a stronger bond with loved ones who are afar or physically apart?

Anyone in a long-distance relationship already knows that effective communication is key. And, when you’re mandating to be away from those you care about, creativity can make the difference. Try something different and get out of your comfort zone – all the while letting them know how you feel about them and what your relationship means.

Here are 5 things you can do if you want to create a tighter bond with your loved ones even when you’re apart:

1.    Order a gift to be delivered.

There is nothing more exciting than hearing the doorbell when you’re cooped up inside with no contact with the outside world. Send your loved one a gift they’ll love, like a bouquet of flowers, a box of their favourite cookies, or something else you know they’ve been trying to locate online.

What this communicates: I get you. I know what you like and exactly what will make you smile.

2.    Set up an online dinner date.

Why eat alone when you can create a virtual meal? Plan a time to get your cooking done and start with an online toast. Exchange recipes, joke about how your food turned out, and smile as you sip your wine. Whether it’s your partner, friends, or family, you can pretend that you’re there in person.

What this communicates: Meals are better together, and I can’t wait to share my next one with you.

3.    Write a letter.

Before there was email, there was snail mail. Take out some pretty paper, write with your best cursive, and share a window into your quarantine life and tell someone how much they mean to you.

What this communicates: I care enough to take the time to write.

4.    Take a virtual trip.

Had to cancel a family trip? Set up a videoconference, share your screen and get virtual trip links on sites like Theme Park Professor, Globo Treks, PBS, or share a walk down the halls of a museum or imagine a once-in-a-lifetime visit to the Louvre.  

What this communicates: Let’s share an experience. I’d rather do it with you.

5.    Get goofy with your camera.

Shake up your video chats with something a little more fun. Try out the filters on your phone, talk with a hilarious voice or weird face, and watch your loved ones crack up.

Couples who laugh together stay together, according to science. The same applies to other relationships, too, so go ahead a give someone a chuckle today. They will appreciate the emotional release and bond with you a little more.

What this communicates: I can be myself with you. I enjoy your company and love having fun with you.

Try out these strategies with your loved ones today. They’ll appreciate a novel break from social isolation and improve your relationship at the same time.

Lisa Petsinis is a certified coach (ACC) who works with busy women who want to beat overwhelm, find their voice, and create more joy and meaning in their lives. Contact her for a free call so you can jumpstart the changes you want in your life, starting today.