Lisa Petsinis Coaching

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7 Good Habits You Need To Adopt To Be More Successful (And Motivated!) While Working from Home

If you are struggling with getting things done while you are on working from home during a world-wide pandemic, you wouldn’t be alone.

Health fears, financial pressures, homeschooling and dealing with change are likely to impact your day-to-day functioning.

In a recent Angus Reid poll, 50% of Canadians reported a decline in mental health, feeling anything from worried to anxious to depressed. Only 34% report managing well under the extraordinary circumstances of this global pandemic.

Whether you are struggling to work from home right now or you are simply trying to get stuff done, it can take a concerted effort – much more than usual -- to stay on track with your day-to-day efforts.

Here are 7 things you can do to stay motivated and productive while you are working at home or you are home-bound during this pandemic:

1.    Eat healthy, mood-boosting foods.

Bing-eating potato chips and cheeseburgers might feel satisfying at the time, but you are likely to feel your energy plummeting soon after. Instead, a balanced diet can positively affect your energy levels and mental wellbeing. Consider eating foods that support brain functioning. When foods are nutrient-rich and neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are high, you will feel calm and in control. Vitamins and minerals such as B, D, zinc, magnesium, selenium, can boost your mood as can probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids. Reach for foods like oatmeal, fish, fresh cherries – even dark chocolate, and you will be ready to tackle any to-do list.

Related: 10 Healthy Foods That Make You Happy (& Are Healthier Than A Pint Of Ice Cream)

2.    Stick to a routine.

A big predictor of success is a predictable routine. Wake up at the same time each day, eat at regular times, and get dressed. As tempting as it is to stay in some comfortable pyjamas all day, you’ll feel more professional and confident when you’re acting as if you’re back at the office.

If you’re used to going to the gym or taking a daily walk during your lunch hour, it’s important to find a way to fit in your exercise more than ever. Get creative by adapting your practice or finding some online programs.

3.    Bring focus to your day.

Spend a few minutes each morning and night to recalibrate and identify your top priorities for the day. What is your gamechanger goal, and what are 2 or 3 things you can do to achieve it? Don’t put extra pressure on yourself; concentrate on what truly matters.

The other aspect of focus is being fully present. Give whatever you’re doing your full attention. That means eliminating distractions such as phone notifications. You will be even more productive if you remove your phone from your work area altogether. One recent study showed that even having a phone in the room decreases your cognitive ability. So, stay focused; you’re smarter than that!

4.    Lean into your preferences.

Typically, multi-tasking does not yield great results and it can create stress and overwhelm. Simply put, your brain isn’t wired for it, and it can reduce productivity by up to 40%.

That said, one size does not fit all. If you are extra-energetic first thing in the morning, take advantage of that time to get your biggest or most challenging tasks done then. If not, schedule your must-dos and important calls for later in the day -- if you can.

Consider how your introverted or extroverted preferences might factor into your productivity as well. If you’re introverted, you might be successful and happier with some serious time-blocking and getting a lot done in one sitting before decompressing with an hour of solitude and meditation. If you’re extroverted, the idea of several smaller spurts of activity interspersed with video chats with colleagues or friends will keep you motivated to get through your commitments.

5.    Create an inspirational environment.

If your home is messy, you’re decreasing your odds of being effective and it’s likely not increasing your joy either. So, clear out the clutter, along with the psychic vampires that go with it, and create a space that encourages you to feel and do your best.

If you are suddenly working from home, dedicate a space that’s your own where you can comfortably work. Decorate your area with personal effects and affirmations that will edge you on throughout the day. Engage the senses, as well, and include some essential oils like Grapefruit, Lime, Peppermint, Bergamot, or Ginger to lift your energy and mood and stimulate concentration.

6.    Connect to your bigger why.

Never go a day without reminding yourself of your higher purpose. What are you meant to do with your life, and how will you serve others? If you have not figured this out yet, take some time to explore it – alone or with a trusted guide. If you know your why, let it steer your every day. You will be motivated to bring it to life in each decision and action, and you’ll maximize your days without giving it much thought. This is the true power of purpose.

7.    Get adequate rest.

Quality sleep can help you process the day – including your emotions, and ensures your body has a chance to restore itself. Studies show that poor sleep is linked to depression and health issues, and good sleep is linked to improved immune function, athletic performance, and cognitive ability. Make a commitment to yourself to get into bed a little earlier each night. If you’re having trouble unwinding, consider writing in a journal, doodling, or meditating for a few minutes.

When you are working during the day, be sure to take regular rests. Step outside for a few minutes, or take a mindful break, and don’t discount the positive effects of a few days off. Your mind, body and soul will thank you.

Above all else, give yourself some compassion. Staying motivated and productive isn’t easy but by tending to your mental health needs, and implementing some of these tips, you will be further ahead in reaching your goals now and in the future.


Lisa Petsinis is a certified coach (ACC) who works with busy women who want to beat overwhelm, find their voice, and create more joy and meaning in their lives. Contact her for a free call so you can jumpstart the changes you want in your life, starting today.